Dansk Version 

Technical Assistance & Tools for Engineers

Process heating systems and equipment for the industry are characterised by involving large investments and large installation, and thus also huge operational costs.

Significant amount of energy is consumed and it all eventually ends up as waste heat, dissipated to the environment.

READ MORE about why you should even consider looking at regaining energy - and why this is so important to both your economy and the environment around us.

Visit us on above links and get seriously inspired on how to boost your economy by environmental process heating.

High efficiencies gives green technology - both increases your profit on short and long terms !

Make some considerations yourself using BELOW TOOLS with data, tables and spread sheet below.

This is free-of-charge and a gift from us to you.

AB&CO · CONSULT are consulting engineers, specialising in technical assistance in establish and optimising environmental process heating and heat recovery.

The consulting services is an important part of the AB&CO that is known for providing customised solution within process heating worldwide. The group is operating from Copenhagen in Denmark



Tools for Engineers



Thermal Calculations & Budget Prices
FREE DOWNLOAD Excel spreadsheets




Tools & Tables   
These tables and tools assist the engineer in the  design and calculation of the  process heating systems, capacities etc.  
- Desk Cover with tables and formulas
- Chimney arrangement

Determine Flue Gas from Boilers
Heat recovery potential depends on flue gas amount and temperature from the boiler/heater. Use this to get an idea of what you can gain of the waste heat in a flue gas recuperator (economizer/cooler).

Useful Formulas within Process Heating
Being an engineer within process heating, certain formulas are use more than others. AB&CO have collected these formulas in one pdf-file. These formulas also appear on AB&CO new desk covers (see more in above link).

Conversion of Units 
SI, metric, US and UK units. AB&CO offers this survey as a pdf-file. These tables  also appear on AB&CO new desk covers (see more in above link).

Heat Exchanger Inquiry Form - GENERAL
Receive an offer for AB&CO Heat Exchangers using one of the above two alternatives (not condensing or evaporating type e.g. steam heaters).

Heat Exchanger Inquiry Form - STEAM only
Receive an offer for steam operated AB&CO Heaters for process air, gases and liquids using one of the above two alternatives.


Boiler & Heater Technical Literature

Thermal Fluid versus Saturated Steam
When to use thermal oil instead of steam for process heating. An important question that can save you or cost you a fortune depending on how you choose. Read this to be better making the right decision.

Steam Generator versus Steam Boiler
Saturated stream in amount up to 2 - 3 tons per hour can be made on a conventional steam boiler or using a steam generator. The features and application fields are not the same for the two steam producing types. Get familiar with the differences and make an optimum choice.

    AB&CO animations - steam boiler operation
 Choose between PC and Smartphone version



Legal terms & Copyright
The presented spreadsheets and tools are AB&CO properties. They must be used for non-commercial purposes - and only when stating that the material is used by permission of AB&CO, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Liability disclaimer
The use of these spreadsheets and tools, are without any responsibility by AB&CO, and are therefore used on own risk.



Heat Balance - GENERAL 
A handy tool for determine an overview of the thermal task for general applications. Use also this sheet before filling out the Heat Exchanger Inquiry - by this  Excel-file.

Heat Balance - STEAM    
A handy tool for determine an overview of the thermal task for steam applications. Use also this sheet before filling out the Heat Exchanger Inquiry - by this Excel-file.

Boiler & Heater Calculations - GENERAL    
Steam boilers, electrical boilers, steam generators, thermal fluid heaters, hot water heaters. make your own calculations on the necessary size. Include safeties, and find determine the heat balance with flow, temperature and even electrical data. Calculate the heater of a flowing fluid, or alternatively a fluid heated up in a tank during a certain time.


Heat Exchanger Calculations   
Plate Heat Exchangers, Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers and Coil-type Heat Exchanger. The first general calculation sheet for the most common heat exchangers. This is only a guidance to a general lay-out giving approximate sizes. The calculation sheet must not be considered as a full-proof heat exchanger program.

Process Air Steam Heaters
Steam heating of process air. Use this Excel-file to determine a budget prices for the most common process air heater design (without accessories). Very easy to use for budget purposes. 

Process Air Heaters & Coolers
Heating or cooling of process air by water. Use this Excel-file to determine a budget prices for the most common process air heater design (without accessories). Very easy to use for budget purposes. 

Process Air Dehumidifiers
Thermal dehumidifying of process air by water or glycol. Use this Excel-file to determine a budget prices for the most common process air heater design (without accessories). Very easy to use for budget purposes. 

Electrical Air Heaters
Use this Excel-file to lay-out a electrical process air heater in the most common air heater design (without cabinet and accessories). Very easy to use for budget purposes.



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