Introduction to Customized Mega-Size Air Heaters
for Heavy-Duty Industrial Application


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AB&CO offer a wide range of very large process air heating batteries with compound fin tubes (extended heat surface) for demanding industrial applications:

  • Steam heated, thermal fluid (hot oil) heated or conventional water heated / cooled.

  • Developed for chemical and food industry e.g. spray drying, catalytic gas cleaning and other process heating applications.

  • Famous for their high reliability dedicated those who never compromise on quality.

  • Operation in almost any country in the world, complying with even the most demanding authorities.


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Mega Size Process Air Heating Battery (Spray Drying, Taiwan)
Feature:   200,000 kg/h air / LP steam & HP Steam

AB&CO Air Heater for Incinerator Plant
(Babcock-Vølund - Esbjerg Project, Denmark)
Feature:   60 Tons Heat Exchanger Construction)



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