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Introduction to Culinary Steam
for Food and Other Sanitary Applications

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AB&CO is a well-known Danish clean steam boiler brand, specializing in small and medium-size customised heaters and boilers.

The quality of these products are based on 35 years experience in numerous tasks for the worlds' largest companies - and the smallest.

Clean steam can be produced directly in a stainless steel
electric steam boiler or as a reboilers that heat exchange industrial steam to clean steam production.

More about the details on the different types of clean steam and pure steam boilers.



Electric Clean Steam Boiler - Skid-mounted Solutions
Up to 180 kW Steam Boiler Sections
Combined Solutions up to 1 MW

What is Pure Steam and Clean Steam ?

Conventional industrial steam contains foreign particles from chemicals, from the internal metal/steel parts and from the feed water.

Normally this does not cause any problems. But even though the temperatures are high, killing most germs etc., conventional steam cannot be considered 100% clean.

Often clean steam is required for special sanitary applications such as for instance food & pharmaceutical industry, laboratories and test beds.


Electric Clean Steam Boiler
60 kW Module


extract of references

more details




          Introduction to Clean Steam Boilers




Special high quality steam is used in special applications on hospitals, special institutions, pharmaceutical industry, biochemical industry, food industry etc. 

The terms often used for this high quality steam, are clean steam and pure steam.

Electric Clean Steam Boiler

Clean Steam by Industrial Steam



The clean and pure steam application both requires a special design on the feed water provider and the steam generating plant. Obviously the quality of feed water determine the quality of the steam. The general design comply with materials in stainless steel only.

Pure steam requires that the surface in contact with the pure steam, including weldings, are polished. The design must not allow any traps in which condensate cannot be drained off 100%. All parts - materials and components - must be of a very special pure steam quality.

Available heat sources for making clean steam and pure steam:

   >  Pressurized Water
   >  Thermal Fluid
   >  High pressure steam (reboiler)
   >  Electrical
   >  Oil/gas-fired (clean steam only)

Basically reboilers use high pressure steam to produce low pressure steam. Thus the design can be made in a customized degree of sanitarily.

Clean steam and pure steam boilers and generators are available up to 25 barg working pressure. Sanitary design with thermal fluid is an option. See the chapter about Thermal Fluid (Hot Oil) Heater Units.

Clean steam
is made in an hygienic environment of stainless steel. It is clean, which means that it does not contain significant amounts of particles with e.g. iron, iron oxide and dirt of any kind. The feed water quality is likewise in an appropriate quality. Application could be food industry, and chemical industry.


Stainless steel steam boiler. Design 350°C / 190 bar for testing safety valves at Rolls Royce in UK. Tube coil and all part in contact with steam are made in high grade stainless steel



Small Economical Clean Steam Boilers
Culinary & Sanitary Applications

Clean Steam at Danish Hospital



Pure steam is both something similar to clean steam, and still something quite different. The quality of pure steam is extremely high. This kind of steam is often used in direct contact with medicals and controversial sterile parts - it must not for contains any particles what so ever. It is therefore generated in a super sanitary environment. Application is being even more common within hospitals, but also special institutions, pharmaceutical industry, biochemical industry. Both clean steam and pure steam applications can be solved by TT BOILERS solution.

Polished surface of steam heating element
for pure steam application
(Reboiler Heating Coils)


Unfired Steam Generators

AB&CO manufacture reboilers as unfired steam generators for conventional steam production without any sanitary requirement. Standard boiler armatures and materials in carbon steel are used.

    Customized Un-fired Clean Steam Reboilers
            Culinary & Sanitary Applications

01   Steam Outlet
02   Feed Water Supply
03   Drain, Blow-Down
04   Safety Valve(s)
05   Steam Blow-Out
06   Control Box
07   Pressure Gauge
08   Water Level Control
09   Pressure Control
10   Water Level Gauge
11   Heat Exchanging Coil



Pure Steam Plants for Pharmacosmo Ltd. 300 kg/h and 600 kg/h.


 inquiry data sheet           company introduction           steam table       tools for thermal engineers



Manufacturer of Clean Steam Boilers since 1990

- when the World, Kasper and Morten were young.

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